Sunday, February 22, 2009

i want.

just found this on etsy. i want.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

and just a few more.

and last but not least, these two magical things... a paper bulb box and a swan bottle. aren't they magical?

more pretty things.

we also got these prosperity hens. they are supposed to bring money... i need to hang more up.

pretty things.

hi small one.
we just got these gorgeous indian glasses at the store. i am so inspired by them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

scrub joy.

small one,
doesn't this look like a body treat?!!! yum!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

flower sip.

hey small one,
don't these remind you of megan? these could be cute to put flowers in too. a bunch of different floral vintage glasses with arrangements.

oh joy - nice.

wedding inspiration. oh joy find - jenna hein caligraphy.

vera wipes.

i finally did it. i bought the vera cloth napkins and made a decision. i admit, i am totally an etsy-holic. but how cute are they?!

jane hollinger is rad.

i posted new jewelry from jane hollinger on check out these necklaces... yum.
p.s. like my shots? :)

vintage pretty

vintage necklace treat on etsy... i kinda want it to be earrings...

diy hearts

this morning i checked design*sponge and the diy for v-day was so cute. check it out:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have been sick for a few days and I am hooked on Animal Planet. Today I watched a Jeff Corwin special on flying foxes. They are the cutest little bats! Bats get such a bad rep, but these are so adorable!

Just wanted to say...

To my big sister for getting our shared blog started.
love you.

parsley rescue.

dear small one.
the sun is once again shining. and that means Hooray! for my little animal family - they get to go out and play. however, my italian parsley has once again fallen victim to my sweet rabbi. i have had to come up with a diy way of protecting my precious herbs.

our first.

hi small one. here she is. our first blog. here we can play, exchange, inspire, trade, share.......
i am excited. we have planted the seed and now we must help the flower grow... i am so corney! (crocheted flowers above from etsy).